Kayak Fishing in the No Motor Zones

Way off the Beaten Path

Climb aboard for a tour into an area of the Everglades National Park that very few will experience. During this excursion, Captain Xavier will strap kayaks on his boat and then head back across the Bay to unload in front of a no-motor creek that winds in to the interior and into the heart of the Everglades. Be prepared for a blissful day of paddling and casting in unchartered waters.

Plan for a sunrise to sunset trip when you choose this unique excursion and realize that a day of this type can pack a punch. Strong currents, bugs, heat and the potential for weather make this trip a good choice for the hearty visitor. The payoff for braving weather conditions is the thrill of enjoying the least travelled waters in the backcountry and discovering the plethora of fish, bird, and animal life the call this are home.


Endless Fishing


Eco Tours